U0141M 四通道温度数据记录仪,外接探头内置GSM模块 - kopie - kopie
GSM Datalogger is designed to record temperature from four external Pt1000 probes. In case of exceeded set limits, SMS and JSON messages can be sent via GPRS data connection. Measured values can be sent to the internet storage COMET Cloud, which is a complete monitoring, alarm and analysis system.
It is also possible to set the regular sending of JSON messages to COMET Database, the sending interval is adjustable. Alarms are also indicated locally by LED, LCD and acoustically by built-in beeper.
The recording is performed in a non-volatile electronic memory. The data can be transferred to a PC via included USB-C cable.
The device includes Traceable calibration certificate with declared metrological traceability of etalons is based on requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
保3 年
- Temperature probes Pt1000
- Powering/Power supply
- 认证校准
- Communications and convertors
- Holders and fixings
- Monitoring software
- 软件
- 其他
- 用户手册
- 目录
- 推荐产品
Pt1000TG8/0, 温度探针, 无连接器
Pt1000TG8/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TG8/0, 温度探针,5米,无连接器
Pt1000TG8/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TG7/0, 温度探针, 无连接器
Pt1000TG7/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TG7/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Pt1000TG7/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
2301-220/0, 温度探针,1米,无连接器
PTS350A-2/0, 温度探针,2米,无连接器
2034-220/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器
2061-200/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器
2061-200/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
2061-200/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
2061-200/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
PTS350A-5/0,温度探针, 5米,无连接器
PTS350A-10/0,温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TGL40/0,温度探针, 1米,无连接器
Pt1000TGL40/0,温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Pt1000TGL40/0,温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 15米,无连接器
Pt1000TR160/0, 温度探针, 20米,无连接器
PTS380K/0 温度传感器带不锈钢接头,无连接器
2091-250/0, 刺入式温度探针, 1米,无连接器
2091-250/0, 刺入式温度探针,2米,无连接器
2091-250/0, 刺入式温度探针, 5米,无连接器
2091-250/0, 刺入式温度探针, 10米,无连接器
2071-030/0, 特制尖顶温度探针,带CINCH连接器
Pt1000TG68/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TG68/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Pt1000TG68/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TR125/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器
Pt1000TR125/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TR125/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Pt1000TR125/0, 温度探针, 10米,无连接器
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 2米,无连接器
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 5米,无连接器
Ultra thin temperature probe Pt1000TG3/0, without connector
Ultra thin temperature probe Pt1000TG3/0, without connector, cable 2 meters
Ultra thin temperature probe Pt1000TG3/0, without connector, cable 5 meters
Ultra thin temperature probe Pt1000TG3/0, without connector, cable 10 meters
200-80/C, 空气温度探针 - kopie
Temperature probe Pt1000TG8Ex/0, without connector, for ATEX zone II
Temperature probe Pt1000TG8Ex/0, without connector, for ATEX zone II, cable 2 meters
Temperature probe Pt1000TG8Ex/0, without connector, for ATEX zone II, cable 5 meters
Temperature probe Pt1000TG8Ex/0, without connector, for ATEX zone II, cable 10 meters
Temperature probe Pt1000TG8Ex/0, without connector, for ATEX zone II, cable 15 meters
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器 - kopie
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器 - kopie - kopie
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器 - kopie - kopie - kopie
Pt1000TR050S/0, 温度探针, 1米,无连接器 - kopie - kopie - kopie - kopie
AC/DC电源适配器,100-240 Vac转5Vdc/2.1A
AC/DC电源适配器,100-240 Vac转5Vdc/2.1A - kopie
AC/DC电源适配器,100-240 Vac转5Vdc/2.1A - kopie
Accupack A8205 for dataloggers "U"
Accredited temperature calibration
USB-C cable, 1 meter
数据记录仪壁挂支架 - kopie
Holder for mounting the GSM or CO2 Datalogger on magnetic surfaces
COMET Vision - 数据记录仪和M系列多功能数据记录仪软件




F8800 - COMETEO气象传感器保护罩 - kopie
U0141M 四通道温度数据记录仪,外接探头内置GSM模块 - kopie
IoT Wireless Temperature Datalogger for 2 external probes, with built-in GSM modem - kopie
U0110M 温度数据记录仪,内置传感器和GSM模块 - kopie
GSM temperature datalogger for two external probes and two two-state inputs with modem - kopie
U3120M 温湿度数据记录仪,内置传感器和GSM模块 - kopie
U3121M 温度数据记录仪,内置传感器和GSM模块 - kopie
GSM temperature and humidity datalogger with connector for another temperature probe
GSM temperature, humidity, CO2 and atmospheric pressure datalogger with built-in sensors and modem - kopie
GSM datalogger for 3 current inputs 0-20mA and 1 two-state input with modem - kopie
U7844M 温度数据记录仪,内置传感器和GSM模块 - kopie
GSM CO2 datalogger with built-in sensors and modem - kopie